Ready for winter!

I’m not much into black Friday shopping and since the weather was BEAUTIFUL, we decided to finish getting things ready for winter.  I spent the entire afternoon outside in a hooded sweatshirt basking in the sun like a turtle on a log on a summer day.  One task that I needed to get taken care of before the snow starts flying was deer and rabbit proofing my bird garden that I just planted this spring.  I spent a sizeable amount of money on the Serviceberry tree and Michigan Holly bushes and I’ll be darned if those cute pests are going to munch on them all winter long.  I’m not sure how effective the snow fence will be but at least I gave it a try, right?  We also discovered that we really need to run electricity out to the bird garden so that I don’t have to have an extension cord running across the yard to keep my birdbath thawed in freezing temperatures.  I just hope that Mr. Bird Nerd remembers it’s there when he snow blows a path to my feeders.  We fashioned the fence to create a door so I have easy access to the feeders.  You can get a general idea of one of my feeding stations located in my yard.  We added the landscape timber that the heated birdbath is fastened to since I wanted the water source near the food rather than on my deck railing like it was last year.  Next year, we’ll make it a little more attractive.

At my class at the library I had discussed the platform feeder that we made for feeding the birds that prefer to feed close to the ground; I keep the feeder in our shed during the summer months and decided to get it out on Friday.  As you can see, the Bluejay was enjoying the sunflower seeds and peanuts that I put out.  Judging by this picture, I think it’s safe to say I’m not going to be getting any stellar pictures of the birds this winter because of my beautiful green fence.
