Oh deer!

I’ve boasted about doing a good job of keeping the deer out of my bird garden and well, guess what?  It didn’t work!  We checked our cameras last night thinking possibly we caught the meteor that everyone reported seeing and upon clicking on the date to review our footage, we discovered that there had been a deer in the bird garden just after midnight Tuesday morning.

The deer that is on the wrong side of the fence, is the doe with a bum knee that I’ve talked about in previous posts.  She seems to be the troublemaker of the group of four. I’m afraid that the poor girl may have hurt her good leg helping herself to my sunflower seeds.

I guess I’ll be tolerant, there’s not much more I can do.  So far she hasn’t started munching on my tree and shrubs but I’m sure that’ll happen in due time.  I’m starting to get rather fond of this group of deer and find myself looking for them at their “usual” times.


