Wading Birds and Herons

While I was visiting Circle B in Florida, I was able to get pretty close to several Great Blue Herons.  Great Blue Herons are wading birds and can be found anywhere near water and are found all over North and Central America.  Some think that these majestic birds migrate south for the winter but that’s not always the case.  I’ve seen my fair share of herons wading in rivers and streams with snow on the banks. 

These delicate looking birds with long necks and legs are truly beautiful.  They are the largest of the wading birds standing at approximately 47″ and weigh 5-6 pounds.

The Black-Crowned Night Heron is another bird I found on my Florida vacation that can also be found in Michigan.  These stocky and short-necked birds can be found hunched in trees or marshes during the day and come out to feed at night. These gray, black and white birds stand at 25″.

The last of the herons that I had a chance to see in Florida, that also reside in Michigan, is the Green Heron.  These little birds stand 19″ in height and can be found along wooded creeks, ponds and marches.  They are a chestnut colored bird with dark green/blue heads.
