My stalker, the Coopers Hawk

I’ve got a stalker that keeps an eye on my yard.  About once a week I find remnants of its latest kill around the yard.  To some this is sad but it’s the circle of life.  I do get upset when I find remnants of some of my more favorite birds but I realize that the raptors need to eat too.  I read a great quote in a Birds of Prey book written by Pete Dunne.  Mr. Dunne was giving readers tips on what they can do to help birds of prey and he shared this: “If you feed songbirds in your yard, you will inevitably attract bird- and rodent-eating raptors.  Place your feeders well away from large plate-glass windows and doors.  And remember that by feeding birds, you are not causing birds to be killed by hawks, you are only causing them to be killed where you will see them.”  Boy, if this isn’t the truth!

Here is the picture of Mr. Cooper; actually I don’t know if it’s a male or female but for the sake of this post, it’s a male.  This was taken last weekend and I have noticed that my feeders aren’t nearly as busy as they have been previously. 

Coopers Hawk sitting atop of one of my feeding stations

I may have mentioned this before but I desperately want squirrels to visit my feeders.  Most people think I’ve lost my mind but in the 15 years we’ve lived in our home, I’ve never had a squirrel visit until the last month or so.  Mr. Bird Nerd sees him almost every day but I’ve only seen it the one time and I was able to snap a few pictures.  I know squirrels can be destructive and can eat you out of house and home but they are so funny to watch.  I have put the word out there that Fox and Gray squirrels are welcome but the pesky Red squirrels, can stay away.  I plan to get some sort of squirrel feeder, perhaps an Adirondack chair that you stick a corn cob in it. 🙂

My new friend

This is the feeder I have my eye on.  Wouldn’t it be hilarious to take pictures of a squirrel sitting in the chair eating the corn? 

Picture curteosy of Google