Sunday’s birding adventure

Today Mike and I went on a birding adventure to a couple of places in Isabella and Gratiot counties where Snowy Owls had been reported on Saturday.  We didn’t have any luck in Isabella County but we were fortunate enough to see one in Gratiot.  Honestly, I’m not even sure how I ended up seeing this owl because he/she was out in the field quite a ways.  The picture isn’t the greatest, I need to invest in a bigger zoom lens since this is cropped quite a bit, but he/she to the left of the power pole.

We didn’t see as many as we had hoped to see or have them as close as I wanted them to be, but we didn’t get skunked either.  Today’s count was one snowy, four Bald Eagles, one juvenile and three mature, and probably close to 100 turkeys.  We did see a few other notable birds, several hawks, and an American Kestrel, too.

Not a bad day of birding considering the sun wasn’t out and it was rather windy.
