Red-Tailed Hawk Release

Hi, it’s been quite some time since I’ve done anything with my blog.  I’ve been busy with work and life in general.  I don’t believe I updated you but I passed my Basic Wildlife Rehabilitation class I took this summer.  All I need to do is apply for permitting with the State and I’ll be up and running.  This afternoon I was able to do something that I hope to be able to do in the near future; I was able to participate in the release of a Red-Tailed Hawk.  On November 16th a woman brought a Red-Tailed Hawk to the Montcalm County Sheriff’s Office after finding the bird sitting in the middle of M-66.  The Sheriff and I discussed what should be done and we called the Wildlife Recovery Association located in Shepherd, MI and they agreed to take the hawk for rehabilitation.  This afternoon WRA called and informed us that Fred, that’s what we named the hawk upon intake, was ready for release and they’d like to bring him down and wanted us to be the ones who released him.  I’m extremely jealous that my husband was the one that got to release Fred but I’m glad I was there to be able to witness it.  I’m happy to report that Fred flew off in perfect flight and will hopefully adjust to being on his own again.  WRA believes that Fred was this years hatch as he hadn’t yet developed the red tail feathers indicative of the Red-Tailed.
