Bird Photo Booth 2.0

After much debate and envy, I recently purchased the Bird Photo Booth 2.0.  I had been admiring everyone’s pictures on the Michigan Bird Watching Facebook site that I belong to and the bird nerd in me was screaming that I needed one!  I’ve only been able to have it in operation a couple of times due to our bitter cold weather but so far I’m quite pleased with it.

I feed birds year round in my backyard and have never had a problem attracting them so getting my feathered friends used to a new feeding station was not a problem. Within 20 minutes I had a male House Finch perched on the bowl eating the birdseed; soon followed Black-capped Chickadees, a Downy Woodpecker and a Bluejay. The feature that attracted me to the Photo Booth was the 4 K and 16 megapixel motion-activated camera; the quality of the images that were being posted were absolutely stunning and it didn’t disappoint me upon using it for the first time.  The weatherproof case includes a professional glass macro lens that provides the extra close up effect to your images.  My only complaint about the equipment is the battery life.  The review states that the battery should last 5 hours but so far, I’ve only been able to get about and hour and a half out of mine.  I’m not sure if my camera is defective or if I’m doing something wrong but it’s quite disappointing.  I plan to reach out to the company to see if they can offer any help.  I will note that they do have a battery pack that you can purchase that is supposed to extend the life of your device to up to two days.  I’ll update more once I reach out to the company.

While I am typing this post at my dining room table, my deer friends came to visit and were quite disappointed that I didn’t have any corn out for them.  Naturally, I dropped everything I was doing and went and put a couple of scoops out for them.  They  have me trained!
